Monday, January 31, 2011

Y'allah Masr!! ( Go Ahead Egypt!!)

The way revolution rose, the way it made the world shake. It’s amazing. It reminded me of the French revolution. And the Russian. It’s dramatic rise, the likes of which you only see in movies, when all sorts of people join hands and speak in one voice was one of a kind (the teenager in me thinks). If this revolution gets a ‘happy’ ending, I would be one of those who witness history and go on talking about it for as long as they live. But along with that I would like to sing songs in the praise of Julian Assange. I strongly believe that this might be the decade where we move towards ‘democracy’ in the world. But then it might not be the decade too.
The power of USA is baffling. You are never sure where they stand in matters of power. While half of the world is praying and hoping it’s the end of American supremacy, the rest are already dead due to the fear of what if they acquire more power or continue to be as strong as they are at the moment.
The power is evident from this one ‘eyebrow raising’ event of disconnecting Egypt from internet. Can you imagine a world without any means of communication? Well if you can’t, bad for you. Because as difficult it might be to imagine such a situation, it is so possible. A whole country offline, you can now talk of censorship and free flow of information.
Although all that is happening around the world might be an international peace maker’s dream but what we need to be careful about is where we are heading to. I hope that just like the independence of India, the effort and dedication of all these people doesn’t go waste. The questions to be seen answered are many and I ponder. Will these countries be able to maintain their individuality and essence after their inclusion in the realm of democracy? How far are we going to be able to move ahead before the clutches of uncertainty, corruption and confusion hold and try to drag us back again?  I am one of those people who think that democracy at its worst can be as much as if not more stifling than a dictatorship.
And still, with the hope of breaking free in my heart I call out, “Y'allah Masr!!”

Sunday, January 16, 2011

We are Muslims. We are next.

I already feel like a Jew of the Nazi era, living somewhere in the Eastern Europe. Not in Germany, because luckily enough I am not an Arab. But the fact that I am a Muslim living in India, that by a few decades time is going to be no less than a superpower or something close to that and a very close ally of U.S.A (and with that goes the non-alignment policy down the drain) I am shit scared that my race does not have enough time left. We are the next scapegoat for the American ‘democracy’.

Despite the Wikileaks, despite so many people trying their level best to integrate Islam and muslims into the fine mesh of cultures and religions, we are still the odd, bent and tangling piece of wire, all thanks to the American ‘amazing’ propaganda system. They ban books that seem to generate interest of people towards understanding Islam and Muslims and they let out and exaggerate every damn thing that portrays an ugly picture of us.

Tell me, aren’t there criminals in other religions? What religion are the indefinite drug dealers, the mafia, the crazy people who walk into schools and churches and shoot at random people? No one questions their religions, why muslims then?

They might repeat that terror has no religion, but they do agree that terrorism is breeding in the muslim countries and minds. This one time they need a big target, to keep their population engaged for ages to come, so bring on the terror on the people whose population is second largest in the world. I mean, who are we kidding, they are gonna raze all of our civilization and reduce it to rubble and it won’t be long before that date.

Unfortunately enough, there is nothing anybody can do; it is George Orwell’s ‘1984’ coming true. For those who speak against the ‘Big Brother’ (like Iran), America has a strong reason to destroy them. It is like they are digging their own grave. And for those who don’t want to be noticed and while they hope they will be lucky enough to escape the scanning eyes of the big brother, they already have been dominated by them because as a matter of fact, in countries like the Saudi Arabia, the army constitutes of not the natives but they have an American army. Yes, that is right. Their own people are numbered in the army. All their weapons and artillery are that of America’s. So, they can never even put up a fight against them.

Everyone is so desperately trying (in their own way) to get away from the clutches of this big scare, but it seems to be a dead end ahead. You cannot raise your voice, you will be tagged as a terrorist, you cannot keep a low profile and get away with it, because they have their eyes fixed on you. After thinking of different ways and ideas of escaping, you realize that all you can do is sit there and wait. wait for the tanks to arrive, wait for them to come drag you out of your houses. 
So, here I am, sitting in my room, reading an article on ‘Islamophobia’ and how bad it’s condition is (almost every day there is an article on this subject, adding to my anxieties) and I do feel how the Jews must have felt listening to Hitler.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's Me....

It is when the darkness descends,
When the world fades out,
And I am left all alone with myself.
My true colors show,
And emotions flow.
Uncontrolled, unstoppable.

In this darkness, the truth comes to light.
And blindingly shines on my face.
I do not choose to run away from it now.
I run with it.
No matter how long the run is and where it takes us.
We will go together, wherever we go.

So this morning,
The sun chooses my window to peer through.
And I pull down the shades.