Saturday, July 31, 2010

Courage lies in frail bodies.....

We, in the paradises and fantasy lands of our own highly underestimate the courage and determination of a human being. I realized this when I met Zeeba. Zeeba is an aged woman, a grandmother of two, whose beautiful blue eyes fascinated me. But this is the good part of her story. All the rest is sad and agonizing. She is a widow who lost her only son to the violence and unrest of the valley. Her son, with no apparent connections with any of the militant groups was fired by unknown gunmen. Her son was married and had two kids. His son of two years saw the dead body of his father infront of him and was unable to process the fact of death and loss.

Zeeba lives with the children of her deceased son after the mother of the children left her children for her second marriage. Zeeba is old, weak and physically not fit to take care of the kids but love and sympathy compels her to be with them. She cries silently on her fate, for her daed son, for the kids but continues to take a brave stand against the world not for her own sake but for the two kids. She fears not death but the fate the kids are destined to meet after she is no more.


Furkan Khan said...

sir, the ngo i wirked with is doing a tremendous work and it is not only providing relief to the deprived and unlucky in monetary terms but also psycologically. almost all women said that had not the ngo helped them or supported them or been with them they would have given up long ago.
Politics is a dirty game and the dirtiest part is that it spoils the lives of the people who are least interested in playing the game.

Unknown said...
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abhay chawla said...

the most powerful comment that i found in the movie "Gandhi" and i follow it very zealously is "if change is what you require to do then where is the scope of violence, change can be done in many different ways". ngos like the one you are linked with i am sure is a change agent and such change agent build systems and trust which go further than stoning,killing and burning.

Furkan Khan said...

it has been 60 years since kashmiris have been asking for self determination, they settled for state autonomy about which you wre tokin in the class today, but the state autonomy has been eroded over a period of time and there is a constatnt process of making kashmir like the other states of india ( in case of its being an integral part of india). there is a thought among teh people that india is trying to dominate it and even abolish the act 370 (i guess that is the act regarding state citizenship). kashmiris dont trust india and the opressive rule of the army over the few years even when the militancy and infiltration was decreasing has agraveted the situation. the indiscrimante use of force in the name of security of the state has angered people. and with the coming of omar abdullah as CM the situations have gone worse. the number of custodial killings, fake encounters, killing in the name of AFSPA, rapes and disappearances have increased and the state is doing nothing more than express grief has forced people on the streets.

Anonymous said...

Great work!
Your post have imaginative empathy towards valley,and
Kashmir do need people with pacifist beliefs.